Thursday, April 1, 2010

Frozen buns

My boyfriend and our friends are going to be camping in Yosemite this weekend.

Yes, I said it-camping. Anyone who knows me wouldn't exactly peg me for a camper. I don't like being dirty. I like sleeping in beds. And I like SPARKLES remember? I've always been a girly girl.

If I had the choice- I would rather be laying on a tropical beach than camping in 30 degree weather- yes you read that right. The forecast for Yosemite this weekend is 30 to high 40 degrees.

As our departure date has come closer I have begun to wonder why I agreed to this in the first place? I feel cold when the California weather hits the low 60s. My mom- who knows me very well thinks I'm crazy for voluntarily subjecting myself to that discomfort. The way I look at it is this- I will go- because my boyfriend (the man I love and trust) wants me to go. He has promised to keep me as comfortable as he can. If I HATE it- I will never go to Yosemite or anywhere else when it's that cold again. I've already warned him. We went last September- which was my first real camping experience and it was a blast. Will it be just as fun in the cold? I just keep thinking about how cold New York in December was (30-40 degree weather) and all we did was walk outside to get to the next WARM building. I will come back and let you know. In the meantime, I have made sure to pack lots of warm clothes to layer and plenty of Hot Chocolate- and a special ingredient (Bailey's) to warm me from the inside out. I hope I don't freeze my buns off!

I think we all make sacrifices in comfort (in my case literally) for the people we love.

What kind of sacrifices have you made?


1 comment:

  1. better bring your snowboarding jacket bunny! have fun and just bundle up, the cold won't be too bad, trust me!! xoxo!!
